How does HOMEBYSIX make better builders?

Outsource what you are not focused on… Building New Homes has many moving parts, and a quiet moment on site is simply waiting for the next challenge. Builders and Site Supervisors always want to provide quality and timely warranty service….until the next challenge strikes. HOMEBYSIX tells Builders to focus forward…we’ve got your 6! Focus on … Read more

Ontario Builder – Future proof your Business, Now

Building Homes in Ontario is going through drastic changes, covid 19 has only quickened the pace. Savvy Builders will take this immediate slowdown to adjust their businesses. 3 areas to focus your future Home Building Business CUSTOMER-future proofing Accessible An aging population and limited senior facilities not to mention fears after COVID-19 means more consumers … Read more

Ontario new home construction, changes that are affecting your business, TODAY!

Attempting not to be an alarmist however Tarion and how builders deal with a new home warranty is about to get very difficult and may substantially impact your business. Government oversight Approaching Warranty service the way you did in the past will cost you more, limit how much you can build and impact your reputation. “…consider all data about a builder’s … Read more

Tarion New Home Warranty: Ontario New Home Builders should prepare for these changes.

Planning to keep building? The “Special Audit of the Tarion Warranty Corporation” of 2019, provides a clear direction of what is coming for Ontario Home Builders and isn’t privatization! “consider all data about a builder’s past building quality and warranty performance when deciding whether to grant a future license” What’s this mean to me? 1. … Read more

How do Builders and HOMEBYSIX work together?

Builder and HOMEBYSIX…..a perfect team! There is no doubt that the Ontario New Home Building industry is not the same as our grandparents experienced. Homes are more sophisticated, consumers more demanding and regulations are ever tightening. Processes, scheduling and safety are more common utterances of modern builders than hands-on skills. Outsource what you are not … Read more